Monday, December 3, 2012

El Presidente

Enrique Pena Nieto the 57th and current Presidente de Mexico

I followed the American political scene for months either through the internet or listening to the gossipy old men's net, and didn't think I could tolerate another political speech. But a nasty cold kept me resting for part of the weekend so I flipped on the t.v. and realized I was plunk in the middle of ceremonies honoring Mexico's newly elected president.
At first it was just some background noise as I coughed and sneezed and wiped my red nose. But I soon became aware that I could actually understand the new president; no really, I missed a few words but I definitely got the gist of his speech. He spoke distinctly and deliberately...and that helped. He made promises that sounded good and vowed to right all wrongs, and quite frankly made a good impression.
Later that evening I decided to do a bit of research on Mexico's new president. He is exceptionally good looking with a lovely wife, reminding me of John F and Jackie Kennedy.  He has quite a naughty background. He's on his third marriage and apparently his first two wives died under suspicious circumstances and while married he had affairs resulting in at least two illegitimate children. His current wife, married just a couple of years, was a very popular soap opera star. But beyond that there has been a lot of controversy about, and opposition to him as evidenced by a large number of protestors.

Makes me understand why Larry yearns to make long passages: days and nights with the sounds of wind in the rigging and the sails and a peace one cannot attain when constantly bombarded with the vagaries of world news.  I'm still trying to shake my cold and will spend much of today lounging about, but think I'll stick to reading a light mystery or writing in my journal. I'm really tired the negativity.