Thursday, April 21, 2011

Semana Santa and Spring Break

From Palm Sunday to Easter Sunday, what is known as Holy Week in most Christian churches, is called Semana Santa here in Mexico. Most schools are closed for Semana Santa and the following week as well giving students a two week spring break. All but the largest stores are closed this week and many workers take their vacation at this time therby effectively closing down much of the city for the better part of two weeks. 
While Semana Santa is a sacred time with masses and religious parades throughout the week, it is followed by a nearly mass exodus to the beaches. 
For us it means that the captain had to plan ahead as best he could as he will not be purchasing hose clamps or brass fittings or just about anything else for the boat until sometime next week.  It means that the small fabricated piece of steel we've been waiting for will not be ready for ahwile and our bimini won't be completed until next week. For me it simply means that all of my specialty shopping (soy milk, bagels, whole wheat bread and chocolate chips, things only found in certain markets) needed to be purchased last week and yes, I'll be cooking most of our meals as many restaurants are closed.  None of these things present a problem of course; things just take a little extra planning.
So tomorrow, Good Friday, I will take time to hike with my friend John to the top of a nearby mountain which has a large cross visible from our marina.  It's a pilgrimage of sorts and a way to honor the day.

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