Friday, April 26, 2013

I give up! for now...

"Milagro Adventure II" is now open to the public, no invitation, no sign-up, no sign-in necessary. I didn't like the idea of asking anyone who might be interested in following the blog to jump through the hoops imposed by Blogger, so I finally decided: spammers and stalkers be damned*. So please, follow along as Milagro loosens the dock line and heads south.

Another note: all of a sudden I am unable to post pictures. And for those familiar with blogger/picasa, no: I haven't gone over the photo number limits. I am continuing to work on it as I'm certain there will be some fabulous pictures coming from Milagro as she appears to be on the verge of reaching Isla Isabel!!

*or  if offended, insert darned or any other word of choice.

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