Monday, December 27, 2010

Happy birthday to me! Or do we really need another boat...

My birthday falls on December 26th. Over the years it has often been pushed to the background as we usually end up traveling on that day.  Nevertheless, Larry has, on every occasion but one (remember, daughter #2, when you called him to let him know he had forgotten?), managed to make my day special. This year he outdid himself once again.
Some friends and all family members may remember just ten years ago when Larry surprised me with an inflatable ocean kayak for my birthday. We were living on the South Florida intracoastal at the time so a few days later Larry helped me set it up and we launched it. As I became comfortable with the paddles I decided to head out into the widest part of the water.  Bad idea.  About 300 yards from shore I began having chest and then neck pain and I knew I was having a heart attack.  I didn't have breath to yell for Larry, who was on the dock, and each time I raised the paddle the pain worsened. I finally made it to shore and Larry rushed me to the local ER.  From the perspective of several weeks later we jokingly named the kayak "Boat of Near Death.
Now fast forward to yesterday: my dear husband surprised me once again with a kayak, a one-person, hard body, sit-upon version.  Hmmmmmmm...was this a case of, " if at first you don't succeed, try, try again?"

I took it out right after breakfast and paddled around the marina, and I can't wait to get out into the islands. We are told that kayaking in that area is wonderful.
Mr. Wonderful hits the winning home run...again!


  1. How's the kayaking going?

  2. I'm loving it! So peaceful out on the water...and great exercise for the upper body....sore muscles, but worth it!
