Saturday, January 8, 2011

O.K., hardly anything is "perfect"

If I could get inside the minds of my handful of readers I would have to guess they are thinking to themselves: "Give me a break! Retirement and life in La Paz, can't be all that."  And dear readers, you would be correct.
Please allow me to vent and list a few of the things I don't like about this far:
Hitting my head on everything from the slightly lower ceiling in our aft cabin to the companionway hatch when it has not been fully opened.
Being frustrated about not learning Spanish more quickly. I comprehend the written word fairly well, can speak in short child like sentences, but go into slack jawed, gaping mode when faced with rapid fire Spanish.
Going to bed with the temperature in the comfy low 70's and waking up in the 50's. 
Not having access to stupid T.V. sitcoms.  Yes, I love to read and we can get some decent movies, but I am not ashamed to admit that I miss the absolutely mind numbing effect of my favorite silly sitcoms. I miss them less now than I did three month ago...but I still miss them.
My dishwasherI know, that's probably shallow.  But who among my dish washing friends will admit along with me that the dishwasher eases cleanup in kitchen/galley. As you cook you can toss items into the dish washer and there they stay until you're ready to push the buttons. My minimal counter space requires me to wash each an every spoon, glass or dish as soon as it is used. I would love to be able to hide them in a dish washer.
Driving in Mexico.  Although I drove 5,300 miles to get here and then, recently, nearly 2,000 miles during my visit to the States, I am timid about driving here and really prefer the bike when possible.  I find the local police and military intimidating as I know full well if I am stopped for any reason I will not be able to communicate.  As I pointed out a "4 altos" sign to Larry, certain in my mind he hadn't seen it, he reminded me that he would gladly turn over the wheel.  I shut  up.
The food and water supply. We are building confidence in our abilities to judge and prepare safe meals but still have occasional doubts.  On the other hand, I discovered another super mercado, Chedraui (a store owned by Lebanese!), yesterday. It was exciting because it was huge and carried many American products, and yet ironically disappointing as it was like shopping in a Publix on steroids.
My Zumba class closed down as of the first of the year and I miss both the exercise and the camaraderie.
Last, but not least, and probably the inspiration for this posting: Our little hot water heater developed a fatal leak and besides being next to impossible to install due to tight quarters in the engine room/bilge, will require another iffy shipment from the States. And what that means is our sailing will likely be put off... again.

Larry sharing pancakes with Buddi.
Ah, enough of the petty complaints. The truth is this is a great life. I enjoy being with my husband 24/7. The people, the city and the weather are the best anywhere on the map.
And as they say in the beer commercial, "Life don't get much better than this.

Bayside view of Marina Palmira and homes overlooking the water.

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