Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Veggies galore

This morning I decided to walk to what is being called the Madero Street Market.  It has been running for a few weeks, on Tuesdays from 10:00 - 12:00.  The best part is that I can purchase organic veggies grown by local gringo farmers, grains, nuts and seeds and honey from other vendors, and wonderful bread and sweet rolls (often still warm)  from a man who calls himself  "Les, the Bread Guy." Local crafts are also available.
Today I discovered it is about 5 miles round trip and what a wonderful walk it was. The 47 degree temperature at 8:00 a.m. had become a comfortable 60-65 and a slight breeze off the water kept me comfortable.  I got some some great looking fresh produce and some good exercise.
Spinach salad for dinner tonight and pinto beans with Swiss chard tomorrow.  Those in the know would guess immediately that the Captain is not currently aboard! 

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