Thursday, January 20, 2011

A very different wedding anniversay

Today Larry and I celebrate our 27th wedding anniversary.  Usually it's a nice gift and a special restaurant.  This year we are doing things a bit differently.
We've been up since seven when we began working on a list of things that still need to be done before we take off -we hope- tomorrow.  We've stowed, tied down and put away.  Larry has gone over the mechanical parts of the boat and and we will be raising sails, running the engine and lowering anchor...just to make sure those essential parts are also working!
Maybe, if we are not too tired, we'll take a short trip down the malecon and go to Rancho Viejo for fish tacos.  Different from other anniversaries, true.  But I wouldn't change a thing!
Happy anniversary, Larry.  You are definitely a keeper!

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