Friday, February 24, 2012

Reality check

Everything below decks needed to be cleaned.
We were exhausted and slept well into the next day. When we finally awakened it was obvious that the kitchen fairy had not cleaned up the mess in the galley. We decided to head up to the Dinghy Dock, again, for lots of coffee and an big breakfast.  Mmmmmm..chilaquilles! Now armed with a belly full of good Mexican food and a better attitude it was time for the clean-up. Division of duty was easy: he'd work on salt removal on the outside and I'd try to make order out of chaos on the inside.  The first thing I did was gather up all of the saltwater soaked items that needed washing. That meant all of the clothing worn in the past few days as well as everything from the forward bunk and sheets and comforter from our bed. We had been too tired to do more than drape towels over wet areas on our bunk the night before.
 (Note to Captain: resealing  hatches was a job to be pushed to the top of the to-do list.)
I stuffed all of the wet items into a huge plastic bag and dragged it up the companionway and tossed it out on the dock; laundry would be an afternoon job. Then I started in the galley picking up shards from a broken dish, rearranging items that had shifted, washing dishes and wiping down all of the teak with orange oil. From there I just moved through boat, trying to put everything back where it belonged. While I was  cleaning below Larry was working hard on the deck, giving everything, even the sails and lines, a fresh water scrubbing.
By mid-afternoon it was at least liveable below deck and I packed up everything needed to wash the clothing and linens which by now were noticeably stinky! I appealed to Larry's manly side to help me take everything to the laundry room as the tide was low and the dock ramp at a steep angle. I took my Kindle with me and, after filling 4 large washers, sat down to read and relax a bit. A couple of hours later I felt rested and had clean, dry, folded laundry; I headed back to dock five.

Next we man(woman)-handled the mattress from the forward bunk, pulling and pushing it out on to the the now clean foredeck for a good drying. I put  away the laundry and made up our bunk (an aerobic exercise all by itself). After a good day's work it was time for a bite to eat, and relaxation...and a Tarzan marathon. One of our daughters had given Larry DVDs of the original Johnny Weissmuller/Tarzan films, the first of which was filmed in 1936. What fun! We had enjoyed some these films years before on TV. We cackled as Jane dove from a 50 foot tree to be caught, with no apparent effort, by Tarzan.
Black and white films, popcorn, Modelo and the Captain by my side: my idea of a perfect evening. Then, on to sweet dreams knowing there was more work on tomorrow's agenda.

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