Monday, July 16, 2012

Fourth of July

Fourth of July was laid back, and truly interesting in what didn't happen. Although there is a large contingent of Americans in La Paz, we knew of only one party, hosted by a generous fellow gringo, to which we and the rest of the community had been invited. There was the promise of roasted pig, corn, potatoes and the obligatory cerveza along with a huge fireworks display.
Another boating couple invited us to ride with them to El Centenario for the celebration, but we opted to stay in the marina and enjoy a quiet day. I went kayaking in the morning with a friend. and then Larry and I rested in the heat of the day with air-conditioning and a good movie. That evening...a different kind of adventure. We had been invited by other frends to join them at the "best sushi place" in town. You'd think that after my previous I-can't-possibly-eat-a-whole-fish episode I would have said a resounding NO, a thousand times NO! I've never eaten sushi and although it is not currently on my bucket list it seemed a shame not to at least give it a try. So, as the sushi chef began to prepare dishes, swearing to wow me, I drank my beer and tried not to picture this meal swimming around with its friends. I'm rather embarrassed to admit this, but oh-my-gosh it was all delicious. I don't remember the names of all the dishes we had but each was tasty, a bunch of great flavors swimming (ha) around in my mouth. Larry liked it as well and I think was as surprised as I. Will I ever have sushi again or will I swear off animals as food in any form? I don't know...but I'm glad to have added this item to my bucket list.
As for the big Fourth of July party? Rather glad we didn't go. It seems the policia decided they should be the ones to set off the fireworks (on the roof!!) of our gringo acquaintance's house. One of the officers accidentally dropped a lit cigarette into the box of fireworks! They began going off but heading down, not up, and a number of people in the crowd were burned, although none seriously.We tried not to laugh but, come on.........
Anyway, to all our friends in the States...belated happy fourth of July...hope you also did exactly what you wanted to do and had as good a time as we did.

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