Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Yoga and saxaphone concert

This morning I attended a yoga class in the center of downtown La Paz. A friend had introduced me to this very gentle class; I found it relaxing yet excellent for maintaining range of motion. I arrived a few minutes early to be greeted by a different instructor. This charming lady spoke no English and my paltry Spanish doesn't cover Sanskrit yoga terms. That's okay, I told myself, I have practiced enough yoga to follow along.
At precisely 9:30 the instructor said, "Levántese" and I was off to a good start as I rose from lotus position. We then moved into what I recognized was a form of Ashtanga, much more vigorous and flowing then the style of yoga to which I am accustomed. The is emphasis on the form of breathing know as ujjayi which takes some practice. Oh well, I thought, I'll hang in there as long as I am able and quit if things get uncomfortable. I felt I was doing quite well when my instructor paused; a young pregnant woman (due in two weeks I later learned!) entered the room. Through a bit of English and a lot of lightning-speed Spanish we agreed that the remainder of the class should be directed toward the latest arrival. Whew! That let me off the hook and for the next 45 minutes we had a easy-going class with lots of supported poses and a marvelous 10 minute savasana...I almost fell asleep!
As I retrieved my shoes and purse I heard music coming from across the street. There is a bagel shop just a few doors down (their bagels rival my favorites, Einstein Bros.) and above the shop a young man was playing a saxophone in an open window. The melody was haunting and I stood there for some time just listening. Wow, yoga and a live music before 11:00 a.m. ...can't see how the day could get any better!
Larry had dropped me off at the yoga studio on his way to fueling up the car and picking up some boat parts. I had insisted on walking back to the marina as I am really trying to get into my "best possible shape" and overcome the yummy, calorie laden meals of late. I would guess that the walk to the Malecon and the path to the marina was about two miles, which would have been a pleasant jaunt had the temperature not climbed to nearly 100 degrees. The sun was blistering hot and I had not brought water so I was happy to be back to the air conditioned boat and several huge glasses of agua!
It's a good life and getting better every day.

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