Thursday, May 2, 2013

Technical problems

Sadly, Larry was unable to send send even one of the 80 + photos he has taken between La Paz and Puerto Vallarta and in La Cruz and in Puerto Vallarta, itself. We spoke last evening; internet service did not allow a Skype call and Larry's cell phone is very nearly non-functional.  (We decided not to replace it when he was in the States as he will not have service as sails south.) Between "dropped" calls he did manage to communicate that he had spent an entire morning at the no avail. On my end I received an email with a link which should have taken me to pictures but went nowhere. It is disappointing to find that this aspect to the journey is not fully functioning.
 Then, between tinkering with the generator which continues to be cantankerous and uncertain winds in the bay, he decided to wait until this morning to leave for Tenacacita. That should be about a 24 hour sail and Milagro will be sending out SPOT signals.

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