Monday, March 14, 2011

Day two

Sunday turned out to be a "do nothing" day.  We planned to get the dinghy down and take a ride around the cove. Although I believe that cove is the correct term, that word brings forth a picture of a cozy little area.  Caleta Partida is so large that boats on the southern shore look like ants without our binoculars.  Until you have something for perspective it is difficult to judge the size of the cove or the mountains which surround us.  Our cruising guide tells us the cove is the crater of a long extinct volcano.  Over thousands of years the western and eastern edges eroded to sea level. The remaining high sloping walls and volcanic rock are what remains of this once enormous volcano.
Before we take our pleasure ride around the cove we have chores to perform.  For me there are all the little duties you perform in your own home: making the bed, cleaning up after breakfast, washing the dishes, bundling up the trash (like camping, you pack out whatever you pack in) as well as shower (brrr, cold water) and other ablutions. By the time I finish the captain has competed his captainly duties but is studying a manual in hopes of divining the cause of our engine overheat. This seems like a good time to grab my kindle and do some "homework" for my book club.  I have just finished Olive Kitteridge by Elizabeth Stout and am starting The Botany of Desire by Michael Pollan.  I loved his book, In Defense of Food, and am hoping one is as fascinating. And in any case, there is a nice breeze and it's lovely just sitting on the deck.
Somewhat later the breeze becomes a stiff wind and the captain and I agree that a dinghy ride would not be terribly pleasant in this wind.  In fact, shortly after we make that decision we see neighbors being towed back in their dinghy to their boat by a fisherman with a panga.  It seems the small engine on their dinghy was not capable of fighting the current and the wind.
This is the view from our shanti...
So we laze about the rest of the day, have another grilled to perfection (well, at least grilled very nicely!) dinner, then spend time just sitting on the deck. A sea lion swims by with a large fish in his mouth. The stars are plentiful and the three quarter moon is so bright I could read by its light.  We check the anchor, turn on the anchor light and go below to watch a movie before sleep.  And sleep I do. The wind dropped to nothing as suddenly as it came up and I don't think the boat moves a foot in any direction all night long.
I can't think of a better way or a better place to do nothing!