Thursday, March 24, 2011

It's cool

Woke up this morning to a bit of chill in the air. Mr. Weatherman says there is a "little Norther" coming in to La Paz and staying for the next few days. I think "little Norther" might be something like being "a little bit pregnant."  Cold is cold, folks, and I was cooking breakfast in sweat pants and a T-shirt and my fuzzy slippers this morning.  Not necessarily a pretty sight, but very cozy.  By the way, thanks, J, for the French Toast Casserole recipe.  I just got around to trying it and used several of your suggestions for additions.  It was fabulous, enjoyed by all three of us (yes, Buddi liked it, too).  Bacon to go with it for the captain and juice and coffee for both of us. Of course having the oven heat up the cabin was a nice bonus.
You can see why the captain might need assistanc!
The captain is making the rounds at some boat and hardware stores this morning to get last minute items for his project.  I'm going to get an early start on laundry so I can be back in time to play scrub nurse for his operation.  He says "Vice grip" or "long-handled flat head screw driver" and I slap it in his hand like a surgical assistant.
In the meantime I'm off to do laundry. I have to admit I enjoy laundry duty. It gives me a couple of hours to sit outside the marina laundry room and read or chat with other cruisers or just enjoy the sun in between loading, unloading and folding. We have a small washer/dryer combination on the boat but although it has good washing capability it take eons to dry light loads and an eternity to dry towels.  So I usually take advantage of the marina facility while occasionally doing light loads here on the boat. Just as it is not cool to hang wet clothes out to dry in most HOA controlled neighborhood, one doesn't hang anything other than the occasional damp towel on the lifelines while in a marina. While at sea or anchorage...the entire boat can be used as a clothesline.
I expect to spend most of the rest of the day being tool man's helper and fixing some good meals for him. Kudos to the captain for his tenacity in working to make Milagro the best she can be.
Still a good life.....

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