Thursday, May 5, 2011

Andrea Carolina

Andrea takes Buddi out to lunch 
For some time now we have been looking forward to meeting the nine year old daughter of our friend Jose Gracia.  Jose and his wife have been apart for awhile and he has missed his little girl terribly. Now she is back in his life for nice long visits and he is a very proud papa.
Jose knew we wanted to spend some time with her so he brought her out to the boat for a "grown-up" afternoon. I've been a vocal fan on this blog of Mexican children with their cheery dispositions and good manners: sweet nine year old Andrea Carolina Gracia Enchova was not an exception. We sat and "talked" for awhile.  My Spanish is still poor and her only English phrases are "hello", "bye" and Dad had taught her "thank you, Larry and "thank you Edie."
We four went to The Dinghy Dock Restaurant for lunch and after consultation she ordered broiled fish with vegetables and rice. She was a serious eater and did a good job on her lunch but was light on the veggies. After a brief conversation with Dad she began to eat them without complaint.  I told Jose that I had eaten that same meal and frankly the veggies were of the frozen variety and I didn't much care for them either!
After lunch and a pitcher of limonda we should have been full, but the grandpa in the captain wanted to buy the little girl some ice cream so we hopped in the car for a ride down the malecon and a visit to a newly opened frozen yogurt store.  The owner was behind the counter and reported that all of the yogurt was made by her husband with fresh fruit.  We each chose a favorite flavor and added toppings. As fresh and delicious as this yogurt was the toppings were overkill.
Ms Pac-Man skips a generation...and switches countries
By now we really were full, so back to the boat we went where the captain challenged Andrea to a Ms Pac-man tournament. Andrea made a good showing and all but beat the captain.  We lent her the game for the duration of her spring break visit and sent her home with peanut butter fudge and a big smile.
Jose came by yesterday with M. Pac-man and thanks for the day; truly, the pleasure was all ours.

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