Friday, January 6, 2012

The adventure continues

The new boat card - a late birthday present
I didn't contemplate, when I left Milagro and Captain Larry in June of 2010, that there might be a continuation of this blog. I thought it would be great if Larry took over where I left off, but although he is an excellent writer who expresses himself well, I knew it was not his "thing." I toyed with the idea of continuing a blog while settling among family in North Carolina, but while it was nice to fall into the loving and welcoming arms of family and to feel, occasionally, helpful to them, I didn't feel I had much to write about that would be interesting to others.  So I kept a journal with infrequent entries and tried to move on with my life.  My dream of volunteering in other parts of the world faded and I began to focus my energies on becoming reacquainted with adult children and grandchildren and endeavoring to be of some support in their lives.
  And I missed Larry...terribly.  I wrote the absolute truth to him once when I told him that, yes, I am capable of living, existing without his presence, but the world was dull without him.  Sharing a life with him made all things, from the simplest to the most profound, brighter, more fun and infinitely better.
I had begun to think, even before his return visit to the states, that overcoming my fears of blue water sailing was not an impossible task. It's not just that I want to share his life, I want to share his dreams.  He has asked me on occasion if I made a mistake returning to the states and moving to NC.  The answer is two fold. Yes. the trip back and my move were both costly and time consuming and robbed me of time I could have spent in La Paz with him and him of time he could have been working on Milagro.  And no. I believe I have served a real purpose in being here and as one daughter put it, maybe I was meant to make this stop on my journey.
Whatever the answer to that question, I am ready for a new adventure.  I am excited, not just about resuming my life with my husband, but about the adventures we will share.  Family members always roll their eyes when Larry tells about some hair raising escapade and reminds them it was "all part of the adventure!"  I look forward to sharing all of life's possible adventures with him.
It's time to put the past behind us, no doubts, no recriminations and move together into the future.
So I say, let the journey begin...again.

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