Thursday, January 12, 2012

Weather for La Paz, Baja California Sur, Mexico

68°F | °C
Partly SunnyMostly SunnyPartly SunnyMostly Sunny
Mostly Cloudy

Wind: NE at 6 mph

Humidity: 40%79°52°75°57°79°57°81°54°

I'm very excited; I got an airline ticket today for travel to La Paz, Mexico.  Larry reminds me that while it is not North Carolina damp and cold it still is winter in the Southern Baja; days may be a comfortable 70-75 degrees but nights are chilly, in the mid 40's to mid 50's.  He had installed a reverse cycle system before I left and he tells me the heat portion makes things quite toasty. But that's only while we are below deck. While we are sailing one or both of us will be on deck in the elements.  So glad he reminded me as I was preparing to pull out shorts and tank tops to pack, but will change my list to include more long pants and shirts and sweaters!
After arriving and settling in I will work at provisioning the boat while he makes sure all systems are go.  We are planning to cross the Sea of Cortez (known in Mexico as the Gulf of California) and sailing into Mazatlan.  Several of our friends are there already and I can hardly wait to renew acquaintances.
From there...who knows. We may check out other ports or just stay and enjoy the warmer temps of the mainland while we  spend time with old friends, make new ones and explore a new city.    
There used to be a column in, I believe, the  Ft. Lauderdale Sun Sentinel, entitled "The  Third Third." That's where I am now and I am so eager to be spending this time of my life having new adventures with my favorite person.                                                                 

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