Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter

My Easter chick
Today I will be attending services with family, then gathering at the home with the most children for the big dinner. This is a bittersweet time for me. I love the gathering of the clan. The kitchen is filled with glorious aromas, the house is chaotic with running of little feet, the laughing of the children, the murmurings of the adults. Some members of our blended family will not be present; distance and other complications make the weekend assembly of the entire group impossible for some. But those of us who can make it will have a delightful time.
While I will enjoy those who are here I will miss the presence of those who can not make it. Some live thousands of miles away in other countries, some have other commitments. Whatever their reasons for not being with us, their absence means the gathering is not quite complete.
The the time!
Many years ago I managed to surprise Larry on a special birthday; I coaxed the entire group of children to come to Florida. On the day of his birthday (which also happened to be Thanksgiving that year) the children and grandchildren trooped in, one by one and family by family. Larry was overwhelmed and it was a wonderful celebration. In retrospect I see that gathering was as much for me as for him. I treasure the picture taken that day in spite of sweaty faces and squinty eyes.
It will no doubt be a "happy Easter" today, but I'll think of - and miss - those not present. I just hope they know that.

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