Saturday, May 12, 2012

Chapter 2

Bahia de la Paz 
I toyed with the idea of starting a new blog, coming up with a different title, perhaps a different slant. After all, the Captain and I are about to begin anew. Although we have been together for more than thirty years there have been periods of separation, though none so long as the most recent. There was a time back in the 80's when he took a position in the Carolinas while much of the rest of the family remained in South Florida. Then there were shorter periods like my excursion to Colorado to study yoga and another jaunt to allow me travel and camp, the first time ever "on my own." And there were even shorter trips for business and family matters.
But about a year ago I left Milagro and her captain to return to the States, ostensibly to give him an opportunity to sail unfettered by a reluctant first mate, and me a chance to visit family and perhaps satisfy my do gooder instincts. But sometimes getting what one wishes for simply illustrates that, well, one didn't really want that outcome after all..and so it was for both of us! Now, after much deliberation and planning, we will  resume the following of a dream, to share whatever adventures come our way in however much time we have.
In just a few days Larry will arrive from Mexico and we will begin reversing the processes of last May. I've already begun making arrangements and packing up my belongings. Rather than each of us driving a vehicle and pulling a trailer we will be riding together in my trusty truck (with Buddi between us, of course), packed to the roof and looking like Ma and Pa Kettle (!), as we once again strike out across the the country. I am looking forward to seeing the amazing landscapes our country has to offer; I can't wait to climb the rugged mountains and see the beautiful
So good to know this smile's for me
vineyards of the Baja; I'm so excited to see the new upholstery and tile on Milagro and try out the newly installed auto pilot: but most of all I am looking forward to sharing my days and nights, through the good and the not so good with Larry, who somehow manages to be both my Captain and my remarkable first mate.

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