Monday, May 14, 2012


So much to do!
 I have lived a nearly nomadic life since graduating from college. I used to joke about moving once a year whether we needed to or not. But the truth is, other than a nearly seven year stint in our Palm City home, we did  change abodes if not cities quite often. I am an experienced and pretty efficient packer, but I can't say I like it any better now than I did the first time. Yet here I sit once again among half-filled moving cartons and piles designated To Garner, To Rutherfordton, To Roger, To Holly and To La Paz. Given half a chance my inclination is to be orderly (in part the influence of many years in libraries) and  the disorder surrounding me at the moment makes me just a little crazy.
Yep.....he's worth it!
So I take a moment, sit down, write a bit on this blog, have a second cup of coffee, take a long deep breath...and smile broadly when I remember that Larry leaves La Paz tomorrow morning and I will see him at RDU late tomorrow evening.

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