Saturday, June 30, 2012

Guerro Negro to La Paz

For June 17
So...relieved for the moment we drive to the other side of Guerro Negro, have a nice dinner at a family-owned restaurant then choose a motel that looks to be modest but pleasant.  Larry goes in to register and comes out chuckling: the on duty manager is from South language problem here.
Colorful headboard
Just outside our room
Again, we are so tired we perform only the basic necessities of hygiene and drop into bed...and are immediately asleep. I'd like to point out here that although the temeratures hovered around 105 throughout the day it is now down in the 60's and I am personally happy for a heavy comforter.
View from our room
The next morning as we are packing the car once again we meet a family of real live hippies. They live in Texas but own beach front property south of here on which they've parked an RV. The dad is a fireman and manages to accumulate long periods of time off which they spend here in Mexico. They are a charming family with two young children, very bright and well spoken. They loved Buddi and asked many questions about her: where did she come from, how old was she, did she lay eggs, have babies, etc.
This last day of our trip is uneventful but not uninteresting. The landscape changes hourly. We continue to follow Mexican 1 as it meanders back towards the Pacific, then on to Loreto and over some of the highest peaks and daunting curves of this trip. I look down from the top of one such peak and laugh out loud at the mental picture of roadrunner beep-beeping his way down the mountain.
Beautiful color

Uh, a little help here!
In Mulege we stop at a convenience store for cold drinks and a snack of yummy Mexican cookies...and the required restroom break! One the way to the bano I pass under this pretty tree. Buddi, waiting in the car, informs us loudly that the large not-a-bird thing in the truck next to us is threatening her; I tell her, not to worry, he just wants to be amigos!
Bahia de la Paz
After a long stretch of fairly flat land we see the Sea of Cortez off to our left, then Bahia de la Paz, and finally La Paz itself.
Welcome to La Paz!

A quick stop at Bandidtos for dinner (with Buddi in tow) then on to the boat. Milagro looks beautiful with shiny newly refinished teak and new upholstery. Soooo good to be here, home at last.

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