Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Lord willin' and the creek don't rise...

Buddi's ready to go
The above is a good old North Carolina "sayin'"....and as with many old saws, apt. Larry and I are winding down, completing the final tasks necessary to make the trip back to Mexico. Buddi's paperwork is complete although it took two more trips to USDA offices and three more to our vet's. The entire staff at Avian & Exotic Animals now calls us by name, perhaps cringing just a little as we return for more copies and signatures, but mostly greeting us with, "We thought you'd already left for Mexico!" each time we trudge back into their office.
The car is packed with everything except our personal items and at this stage in our departure plans we are getting together with family for final goodbye's, my least favorite part of this journey. I once had relatives who spent 6 months in New Hampshire and 6 months in  Florida. Their modus operandi was to quietly pack up and leave without any kind of goodbye. That method annoyed other family members greatly but it seems to be a less painful way of parting with loved ones. However, we will not take the coward's way and will make time to hug necks and promise to keep in touch.
Then, if all goes well (see above title) Larry, Buddi and I will leave early Friday morning, strike out for the west coast, then cross the border into Mexico and be back aboard Milagro to begin the next adventure in a week or so.

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