Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Marine life in the marina

Two days ago I went kayaking with a friend.  The water was smooth, like a mirror, and we paddled to an area north of the marina. We'd seen a lot of fish in there on previous trips but this time, just a few small fish and a couple of good sized starfish and a sand dollar. We decided to paddle toward the breakwater and within minutes were surrounded by thousands of fish, with any number of varieties. I was wishing I had our underwater apparatus and our movie camera, particularly when I spotted a large eel hanging out...literally...of a hole in the rock formation.  The current was moving gently southward and we drifted for long time, not talking, just watching the marine life below. So very cool.
This big guy was next to our boat early one morning.

Then last evening, as we were leaving our boat after dark, I was amazed to see dozens of tiny green lights glowing in the water. It was eery, looking like something out of a film about extraterrestrials. Larry informed me that we would be seeing many, many more of these phosphorescent creatures when we are sailing.

Fish keepin' cool in the noonday sun...
So much to see, so much to learn..

A lifetime ago, when my children were toddlers and older, I loved the way they viewed the natural world, marveling at each new thing: a locust shedding its carapace, a bird building a nest, a flower bud becoming an apple. Such a long time since I felt this awe, this wonder. It's late, but not too late.

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