Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Lazy, hazy dog days of summer

No excuses...I've just been too lazy to write, or do much of anything else. I refuse to complain about the heat as I vowed that if I ever got warm again after a cold and damp NC winter I would hush my mouth and never curse hot weather again. I will say though, 97 degrees on the southern Baja FEELS warmer than 97 degrees in south Florida. The  weather guy on the cruisers net gives the actual temperature and then tells what the "real feel" is: that figure is often as high as 114.
We've developed a routine whereby we try to do any outside or above deck projects before noon. As we wake up to 80 degrees, working outside is doable if a bit sweaty. By 1:00 p.m. the air is oppressive and it is difficult to accomplish much in the way of physical labor. We now fully understand both the siesta and late night dining.
It's hard to say why we are still working on "projects" and not our sailing in the Sea of Cortez. For one thing, we have had trouble with refrigeration unit. Our freezer works well - to the extreme - but the refrigerator portion is not up to par and we have had to ditch food items which were questionable; well, Larry probably would have eaten certain items but I refuse to judge the freshness of food solely on whether or not it is either discolored or slimy or both! Anyway, Larry is at this very moment installing a new fan which will - hopefully - solve the problem.
We are both itching to get out on the water. With my new not-available-in-the-USA seasick medicine (Stugeron) I hope to be a freewheeling sailor. But it seems we make tentative plans to leave in a week, then we hear that old friends are coming down from the States with a new boat, or we have to wait for a new fishing license, or the refrigerator doesn't work (!) and departure keeps getting put off. Truth is though, we are having a good time right here. There is always something to do and right now we are enjoying the Olympics which we would not be able to see if we were anchored out somewhere.
So life goes on, it is good, and we'll continue to take it one day at a time.
In the meantime...

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