Tuesday, May 14, 2013

While I wait...

Independence Hall

I love following Milagro and the Captain's adventures, and there is plenty to keep me entertained and occupied as I am currently living within  twenty or so miles of three adult children and thirteen grandchildren. Still, I am unwilling to sit in a rocking chair on the veranda during those times when family members are busy with their own lives. I spent a couple of months settling back into the pace of eastern North Carolina and becoming reacquainted with grandchildren grown taller than I and with the  babies I left last year now walking (or running) and talking; now I am ready to take off on some of my own adventures.
So good to spend time with family
Last week, at T's invitation, I flew to Philadelphia for an extended Mother's Day weekend. I last visited that city umpteen years ago as a college student, part of a touring choir. After concerts in several venues in the area we were free to tour the city and tour we did. Now I had an opportunity to see the city from a high rise overlooking Washington Square and with a
daughter and son-in-law who generously showed me as much of the Philadelphia as one could possibly experience in the time allotted.
I had a fabulous time. J took me to lunch at ElVez (ahh, memories of Mexico) and then to the Philadelphia Museum of Art and on to a very impressive Rodin Museum; then we walked around the area. Philadelphia, at least this part, is green, clean and manicured...and full of busy people and energy. Quite different from the laid back attitude in the Baja or the tranquility of a small southern town.

 Then it was on to dinner at Chifa, a nearby tapas restaurant where, apparently, "everybody knows your name" and each dish was was better than the previous one. Yummo!
The next day Teena and I were off to the spa for a morning of pampering and relaxation, then lunch at Dandelion, a British pub where again, the food and ambiance were delightful. Sunday we slept in a bit, went to Farmacia for orange juice and Proseco and an excellent brunch, then strolled around Washington Square where families relaxed amid classical architecture, green grass, trees, flowers and
Jim & Teena

What a wonderful weekend! But the best parts? the long talks. Although we stay connected by phone and email it has been well over a year since T and I last got together and we jabbered for hours about family doings with J joining in when we got into favorite TV shows, politics and religion, occasionally rolling his eyes at girl talk.
Now, it's back to the everyday world; retirement doesn't mean there is no longer a need to carry out every day duties such as laundry, shopping and bill paying. But it does mean that as I settle back into a routine, with memories of a fantastic trip to Philadelphia, I am planning my next adventure. Mmmmm, I'm thinking of a road trips to Myrtle Beach, South Florida and Key West as well as a exploring Panama with the Captain later this summer.
I miss Larry every day in every way; but while he is enjoying his adventure I plan to have a few of my own.

Next post: a continuation of the Captain's "Ramblings."

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