Monday, May 6, 2013

You CAN teach and old dog...

Cooper River Bridge
I find I AM capable of catching up with technology, if not keeping up with it. I always seem to be a step or two behind but I do get there eventually. I read accompanying manuals and after a couple of hours and crossed eyes I confess to needing help and call on spouse, children and grandchildren.
After resisting for quite a while I finally got an iphone last week and have been fumbling through it's many functions since then. I drove to Charleston the day after getting my new phone and as I approached the spectacular Cooper River Bridge I grabbed my phone and attempted to take a picture: one hand, 2 seconds...not bad. (I know, no texting while driving...won't do it again ;).
All this to say: appologies for the previous post. Hopefully these pictures will format and not end up looking like a kindergarten collage.
Larry is also having technical difficulties. He is much more computer savvy than I am, but intermittent and/or slow internet of the few downsides of sailing in gorgeous waters, I suppose...make that task a challenge. Let's see how this one goes...

Sunrise, sunset....

Man vs. beast
While visiting the set of Predator the Captain met up with THE Predator; the rest is history. As you can see from this picture Larry took the Predator on, and since I have spoken with him since that battle I think we all know who won.
I got no info on this picture so I don't know whether to to be worried or not. It appears that Larry is
holding a chunk of meat and a sword. The gentleman with him looks solemn, maybe even angry. What's up? My imagination runs wild and the possible scenarios are both funny and a bit scary.

So that's it for now. It is taking me a long time to post each picture, but I will slowly but surely get them all out.

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