Monday, April 18, 2011


I wouldn't want anyone, friends or family, to think that we drink a lot of beer since we are retired in Mexico where "imported" beers we used to pay extra for in the States are now the least expensive. Really, we are quite judicious with our intake.  But yesterday morning as I was serving the captain a late breakfast, I actually popped the top of his favorite (Modelo Especial) instead of the requested diet Coke.  Now he doesn't usually drink Coke for breakfast, either, but we had taken an easy Sunday morning with coffee and the radio while lounging in bed and it was 10:30 before I cooked breakfast. I apologized for the mistake and went to the sink to pour out the beer.
"What the heck!" said the captain. "We're retired, we're in Mexico and a beer with my bacon and eggs sounds pretty good." And I guess it was. =)

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