Monday, April 18, 2011

No Complaints!

There are times when I am discouraged over the slow progress we are making in readying Milagro to sail blue water; captain Larry has a list of things to be accomplished and it sometimes seems that list is endless. Whenever I feel disheartened I remind myself of our friends and former next boat neighbors on Orontes II.  
This couple, like us, bought their dream boat here in La Paz and have spent many vacations over the past two years working on it.  Orontes II left LaPaz well over a month ago with a capable captain and first mate aboard. They were bound for Panama where the owners would meet the boat, take it through the Panama Canal, then sail her to her new home in Texas. We got news three weeks after departure that the boat's transmission had failed even before they departed Mexico. The crew and boat were stuck in a small port with less than adequate mechanics and a very limited supply of parts. After locals failed a number of times to repair the transmission, the owner flew in with parts and expertise and the crew flew back to La Paz. Today, more than six weeks after she left La Paz,  Orontes II's transmission is repaired and she is on her way.  A big hurray for S and L and Orontes II and prayers for fair winds and smooth seas and no more mechanical problems! 
Milagro: doing o.k.
Oh yes, we have had setbacks aboard Milagro, but none of this magnitude nor while at sea.
We'll just keep plugging along;  I'm pretty sure we're making progress because I hear the captain humming.  So with an attitude of gratitude I look to the future of a sailing Milagro!

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