Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Fish that go bump iin the night

Just a few of our local "sea monsters"
When we first moved onto Milagro last fall we were often awakened in the middle of the night by something bumping insistently into the hull to be followed byswishing and gurgling noises.  As I sleep on the "inside" I am next to the hull and could actually feel the vibration as the sea creatures played around our boat at night. I imagined them to be the size dolphins, and maybe even actual dolphins. How embarrassing to learn from others living in the marina that these "giants" are some form of mullet! I suppose they are just chasing food as the marina is full of fish of all sizes.
Over the winter we realized that those fish had apparently moved to warmer waters as temperatures dipped into the 40's and we were no longer disturbed by their flopping about our boat.
Well the waters warming up and they are baaaaaaaack. That's o.k....I kind of missed them; now when they bump the hull in the middle of the night I just roll over, smile and go back to sleep.

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