Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Feels like home

My welcome home flowers!
 After a full day of travel yesterday I arrived in San Jose Cabo around 3:30 p.m. I'd set my alarm 3:30 a.m. and arrived at Raleigh-Durham  two hours before my 7 o'clock flight. When Larry flew back to Mexico in December we managed to get him to the airport about an hour and a half  before an early morning departure to find long lines at both check in and security. He made the flight with barely room to spare and I was determined to not repeat that. However there was only one person in front of me at check-in and I breezed through security in less than five minutes which gave me time for coffee and a bite to eat and an hour or so with my favorite author.
My flights and connections were pleasant. I met two nice,  fun-loving ladies in Charlotte who were on their way to Cabo San Lucas.  By the time we arrived in Los Cabos (and after several glasses of wine) they were questioning me on the availability of eligible men in La Paz, just in case they didn't have any luck trolling in Cabo.  I wished them luck and told them I knew a couple of guys in La Paz if they did indeed strike out! We landed and I waited anxiously to retrieve my checked baggage after going through immigration. But as the last piece was picked up it was obvious that mine had not arrived. Sure enough, my suitcase went for a side trip to Santiago, Chile! Hopefully it will arrive here in the Marina tomorrow as we are planning, if the Norther passes, to be on our way to the mainland by Friday or Saturday.
Larry was waiting outside of customs; wow, it was so good to see him again.  We drove to La Paz (about a three hour trip) and arrived just after dark. Little had changed in the city since I was here eight months ago and I felt like I was coming home.
Larry has worked so hard on projects and made a number of improvements to Milagro in my absence. And quite honestly I was super-impressed with the neatness of the interior, particularly as I know he has been working hard on other tasks! We had talked about eating at one of our favorite restaurants but just decide to stay in. So it was Modelo Especial and snacks, followed by a long awaited shower for me and a good night's sleep.
I woke up this morning to sunshine and a cool (but not cold!) temperature. Then it was off for the short walk to the dock restaurant and lots of hot coffee and a huge breakfast. Back on Milagro we finished some odd jobs then drove to a new mega store to purchase supplies for our trip and look for several items our friend John wants us to bring to him in Mazatlan. Back at the marina I began sorting and putting away supplies and Larry went on deck to complete a job there.
I am very content being back here in La Paz and on board Milagro and most especially happy to be with my husband again.

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