Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Pardigm Shift

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Some have asked, "Why the change of heart?"...a valid question, a question having more than one answer.
Of most importance? Quite simply from my point of view, well, I missed Larry...terriblySpending even a small amount of time without the company of the man who has made me feel cherished, who has made me laugh and who has been with me in spirit through all the good and bad times for 30+ years, is no longer an option for me.
But, friends wonder, what about your fear of sailing blue water?  I confess that I still maintain one regret. I wish I knew "then" what I know now: I know absolutely and without any reservations that life does not end with death but is the doorway to a new beginning: what can be left to fear? I could have saved myself - and Larry - a lot of grief had I known in my heart then what I know now.
And last, but no less important, I know that while my children and grandchildren enjoy my company and I may even be helpful to them on occasion, they are complete unto themselves. They managed before I returned to North Carolina and they will manage when I am no longer here; and that is how it should be.
So it is with a bounce in my step and a light heart that I check things off my list-of-things-to-do-before-leave-for-Mexico. I've done this part before and I can do it again.
This time no doubts, no looking back...only anticipation for the greatest adventure of all.

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