Friday, March 9, 2012


I often think....ah, but you see that is the problem: I often think!
Thinking too much gets me in trouble and let's face it, while I am pondering life's questions I am not out there in the world, living.
Nevertheless, one of the things I think about is this: what if there is a parallel universe or for that matter, many parallel universes? If that is "true" then while I am spending the winter in Cary, N.C., perhaps another me is sailing to the south pacific, spending lazy days and warm nights on the open sea with my Captain. I like that idea a lot.          
 Come on, who among us has not wished to be in two or more places at once? Well, I have. At this very moment I am sitting in my apartment in North Carolina, listening to the rain and knowing, from having stepped out onto my little balcony, that it is miserably cold and windy outside. So I have a cup of hot chocolate laced with Kahlua to look forward to along with Jeffrey Small's new novel. Then later, the best part of this day, skyping with Larry.
 I also look forward to this Sunday which will include church then lunch with family. On Monday I will have an opportunity to spend time with grandchildren again (play-doh and "Old MacDonald") to be followed by Tuesday's "Grammies Invasion" at the house of 8 and Wednesday's tutoring session with older grandchildren (okay, we call it tutoring but it's 75% fun time!). When not having fun with grandchildren there are the usual household duties, lots of exercising (long, thoughtful and sometimes rigorous walks with my son) and to counterbalance that lots of cooking and eating! And of course I read, read, read. Between my trusty Kindle and the local library I have a large array of reading material and always have several books going at the same time. As an extra bonus I am fortunate to have a first-class friend nearby. 
This is a good life, people. And yet...
There is a part of me that wants to see new places, try new foods, meet new people and have heaps of adventure in my life, and most of all, to awaken each morning next to the man I love and to hold him close and to laugh with live with him.
Oh yes, I would love to be in two places at once...

                                                                                                             "uncertainty principle"                                                \Delta x\, \Delta p \ge \frac{\hbar}{2}

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