Thursday, March 15, 2012

Sail on..

Leaving Palmira a year ago

If all goes well Larry will depart Marina Palmira with a crew of two this weekend: the plan is to sail north and spend a few days in the islands. I envy them as I recall our short voyage to that area just about a year ago. The Sea of Cortez was teeming with marine life and everywhere we looked something was leaping from the water. There seemed to be an exuberance surrounding us that made me want to shout, "Wahoooo!" as our children used to do when they saw flying fish off the coast of south Florida.
First leg of the journey
If all systems are working and if the weather looks promising, Captain and crew will leave the islands and head east, retracing our recent excursion but sailing on to Mazatlan and points south. I wish them fair winds and calm seas.
We have a nifty little gadget called SPOT on board Milagro . Through the miracle of technology (at least it's a miracle to me) Larry will be able to send a "message" which will be received by me through email. The messages will tell me he is either "o.k." or in distress. Furthermore, if all goes well with the transmission, I will be able to see a map which will indicate Milagro's coordinates at the time of transmission, and will track her course. Details will come later when he arrives on the mainland of Mexico, but how nice it is to know where he is and more importantly, that he is safe.

So while I am a bit envious of what could be the perfect passage, I wish them Godspeed. I am content in the knowledge that I will join Milagro soon.

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