Thursday, June 28, 2012

Bits and pieces

We've been working on my "immigration problem" and it looks as though I will probably not be forcibly removed from the country. I have been very bad, very bad! I was supposed to have turned in my FM3 visa before departing the country last May. I may be punished with a hefty fine before procuring a new visa, or, if our friends at Eco Naviera are successful, I may be able to plead...uh, not gonna tell you that as it is a wee bit of a fib if not an outright lie. So I may be getting a 6 months visa then apply for an FM3 (which  allows one to leave and re-enter Mexico with relative ease.)
In the meantime, Larry's been practicing eye-splicing as he will soon be extending the halyard controlling Milagro's mainsail. He has installed an electric winch which will allow adjusting the mainsail without venturing out of the cockpit. It was quite a challenge reefing in the sail during the big blow we experienced in January, but the new electric winch just inside the cockpit will make that an easier, safer procedure. Here he is displaying his handiwork.
This morning, as the cruisers' net came on, there was a knock on our hull, the boaters version of ringing your doorbell. I jumped up and threw on a pair of shorts and t-shirt, thinking my new walking partner was a bit early, but Larry opened the companionway and greeted two young Mexican gents who were scheduled to clean the mast and lubricate the sail slide. As I left for my walk one of them was being hoisted upward in a bosuns chair. The work was still going on when I returned about 45 minutes later and I snapped a few pictures.
After some below decks work we headed for town, Larry to Lopez Marine and me to Mega Mart:  meat, cheese and fresh fruit and vegetables...cerveza and a nice bottle of Santo Thomas cabernet. Very American dinner tonight of steak, baked potatoes and salad.
Back on Milagro we each completed a couple of projects then stopped for a middle-of-the-day movie, another good way to beat the heat.
Hoping to hear good news from Eco Naviera tomorrow.

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