Saturday, June 23, 2012

New Mexico, Arizona

June 14 We continue the journey. Our routine is to get up when we wake up, eat a hearty breakfast washed down with lots of coffee (I miss my own brew) repack the car and start driving. Today, through New Mexico and Arizona the mountains are becoming more rugged, and although she's been good to us so far I wonder what the strain of continual climbing will do to my Mazda Tribute. Never had an overheating problem but it's 106 outside and in one stretch we climbed nearly 4000 feet. So far so good.
Just inside the California line we begin seeing enormous sand dunes, really sand mountains. I think I can see Lawrence of Arabia leading a bunch of camels in the distance.

 As we travel towards Campo, our turn off to 94 and the Tecate border crossing, the day is hazy and mountain peaks loom in the distance, west to California and south to Mexico. In between the landscape is more of a moonscape.

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