Thursday, June 21, 2012

Welcome to La Paz

We arrived tired and dusty in La Paz, not on Monday, June 18th as recorded on facebook, but on Sunday the 17th. I'm not surprised that I got the date wrong as one day seemed to melt into the next as we traveled across America and down Baja California. We passed through ten states, saw some amazing scenery along with the "backside" of a number of cities. We took I20 this time so saw many sights we had seen on a previous journey...but it really doesn't get boring.

June 11
Today we passed the 1,000 mile mark and stopped just west of Shreveport, LA. I confess that as much as I love the desert, the ocean and mountains, I adore drinking in the myriad shades of green as we drive through the deep south.
 We talked a bit about Trekker, our sailboat lost during hurricane Ike in Sabine Pass, TX, near the Louisiana/Texas border.

June 12

We crossed into Texas and prepared for the day and a half it would take us to reach the western border. Texas is, well, big...I mean BIG. There are flat lands that are so barren one expects John Wayne, or the Lone Ranger to come galloping through the sagebrush. Yet other parts of the state are green and hilly. The cowboy influence is evident throughout: Brushy Creek Cowboy Church---do you have to be a cowboy to attend or do they allow non-cowboy Episcopalians? and did the Cisco Kid come from Cisco, TX and was he someone's sidekick or did he have a sidekick and if he did what was the sidekick's name?
But I digress...spent the night near Fort Worth. What a megacity the Dallas/Fort Worth area is!

June 13
Peanut, anyone?

Stayed in Las Cruces Mexico. More mountains and more desert. May sound boring but I love the scenery. Turned over 2000 miles.

Pigeon in a pine
Buddi continues to help Larry drive. While waiting in a fast food parking lot for Larry I spotted a friend for Buddi right next to the car.
 More tomorrow...
Church...nothing else

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