Monday, April 29, 2013

Isla Isabela

 Kodak Moments on Isla Isabela
Stunning view of Isla Isabela *

Iguana: "Ready for my close-up, Mr. Demille" *

Blue-footed Boobies *

Fishermen's chapel on Isla Isabela *

 Milagro, Captain and crew did stop at Isla Isabela; apparently SPOT was misbehaving although still functioning; the GPS goes into an occasional drowsy mode wherein it will emit signals only when operated manually. So while I assumed Miagro was sailing on towards Puerto Vallarta, in truth there was an all-day pause in an anchorage on the southernmost point of the island. Crew member Sharon hiked and took pictures while the Captain remained aboard to work on a generator.                      
Larry and I have been able to talk twice since the boat arrived the next day and anchored near La Cruz. His phone is not working well and will soon be useless as he moves beyond Mexico and out of range of our Verizon "Mexican Plan." From that point on communication will be through Skype (when internet is available) or brief emails using the single sideband radio...and SPOT. Meanwhile, Larry sounds happy and is enjoying being at sea although the variable winds have prevented Milagro from sailing full time. He continues to be plagued by minor mechanical issues. but as usual is able to solve them! I understand Captain and crew plan to spend a couple of days seeing the sights in nearby Puerto Vallarta before heading south once again.
On a personal note, one of the reasons I do not make a great sailor is that I am a planner. If I were aboard I would be looking at maps and guides, planning the next day's itinerary for "shore leave" and what time we would be lifting anchor and what our next destination would be. I love Larry's spontaneity; I wish I could be like that! But even in retirement I start most days with a small lined pad, my favorite pen and a general idea of what my day is going to be. Oh I'm not completely rigid; I can and will be flexible when plans change...and even enjoy those changes, but perhaps not as adaptable as needed.
I'm still having difficulty with the uploading of photos to blogger, evidenced by the clumping of all pictures at the top of the page. Still working on it.

*Thank you, Sharon Jordan for the lovely photographs.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad that Sharon was able to enjoy the wonderful Isla Isabella and her pictures are great!

    Fair Winds Larry ~ we're following you!

    Susan and Dennis
