Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Almost (but not quite) like being there...

Larry sharing ice cream with Buddi in La Paz
Had a chance to talk with the Captain last night. We are still two time zones apart so his end of the day 9 o'clock (cruisers midnight) is a yawning 11:00 for me. Ahh, but it's worth it just to hear his voice. We chat for a while about our days: he explores La Cruz and I spend time with an ailing Buddi in the waiting room of an avian vet. He finds La Cruz a charming city with friendly people and makes plans with first mate Sharon to sight see in Puerto Vallarta the next day. He asks about family members and is everybody. I give abbreviated accounts and tell him that Buddi will be okay with some medication and a lot of patience. I am wishing he were here - for many reasons - but at the moment because he tends to be more patient with Buddi's snarky moods than I am. I tell him I am flying to Philadelphia next week next week and looking forward to sight seeing as well. And then we say goodnight, always the difficult part of the conversation.
Photos of La Cruz and Puerto Vallarta coming up...

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