Thursday, January 27, 2011

Acknowledge and move on...

"Just acknowledge and move on."   That was a favorite saying of one special daughter who is no longer with us. Whenever a family member, often me, complained about past hurts she would always whip out that adage.  I could see the wisdom of the saying; after all, what's done is done and grieving over and savoring old hurts  is never beneficial.  But here's another old saying," Easier said than done."
It is not easy to forget real or imagined slights, snubs or rejections. There is something delicious about chewing on the bones of events hurtful, yet long past. One can almost bring forth the gut wrenching emotions of that moment. Then too, chewing on old bones allows one to ignore new problems...and new pleasures.
To Ashley, who is always with me:
thanks for the reminder.
I didn't make any resolutions on December 31st.  But I recently received a nudge that caused me to do a lot of thinking and I've decided to make "Just acknowledge and move on," my go-to mantra. I plan to live each day to the fullest. I've wasted enough time.

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