Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Today we are working hard at getting ready to sail: we are cleaning up, provisioning and tying stuff down.  The weather report for "the islands" for the next few days is calm winds and small waves but we still have to be prepared for coromuels, those devilish winds that form quickly and sweep up from the south.
Hector comes tomorrow to return the  rebuilt compressor for running the frig with engine power and then we should be ready to take off.
The weather has been gorgeous the last few days, low 80's by mid afternoon with cool nights.
Buddi sticking her head home on the boat
Last evening we met two couples, just a bit older than our own "children," and they invited us to join them at their table. We were in outside seating at one of the marina restaurants and had Buddi with us.  They were enthralled with the bird and we had a very pleasant evening in their company, with Buddi popping her head out of Larry's shirt to survey the situation periodically. Our new friends hooted with laughter each time and she, much insulted, climbed back into the peace and quiet of  Dad's shirt.  Meeting new people is something I love about this experience, and Buddi is great at introductions!

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