Friday, January 14, 2011

Quick update

Chilly nights here in La Paz.  There's been a "norther" blowing for days now, and besides strong winds and good sized waves on the gets pretty cold at night. That's o.k.; we just hunker down with a glass of wine for me and a beer for Larry or maybe a cup of hot chocolate with Kahlua and watch a movie.
Sergio in middle with helper and Captain on left giving instructions!

This morning Sergio the welder is here installing a small crane on port side of the boat and  an extension to our dinghy davits which will make our dinghy (which is a foot longer than the previous owner's) ride more smoothly.
Hector down in the bilge  checking pressures.
And sometime today Hector arrives to check out our refrigeration.  As my friend D from Land Development pointed out, at least when we get ready to sail we'll know everything is in working order!
We'll have to turn the boat around and back it in to the slip to make the davits available to Sergio. The wind is running 15 - 20 knots and blowing us away from the dock.  Ahh, first test of seamanship and we haven't even left the dock.
Much later.  It is now 5:45 and all of the work has been completed.  The stainless steel work is impeccable  and Hector tells us that our refrigeration unit is in good shape with the exception of relatively easy rebuild. And..we made the turn into an temporarily empty dock space next door with, I think I can say it, panache!  Larry is taking me out for dinner as a reward for not screaming WATCH OUT at any point during the maneuver.

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