Saturday, February 5, 2011

Feeling lonely

A rose in an English churchyard..
makes me feel good.
Kind of sad today.  Captain is still in the States.  My new friends on Orontes II, on Rose of Erin and on Panoia are all leaving the marina tomorrow or Monday.  The first couple heads back to Texas after spending a couple of weeks working on their boat; the other two are sailing to Mazatlan and Puerto Vallarta, respectively.  Orontes and Panoia occupy slips on either side of us so it will really be lonely here.  Experienced cruisers tell us one often meets boat friends over and over again while cruising.  I hope that is so. I like these people!
So for the next little while I will spend more time playing my cello and, if it warms up a bit, exploring in my kayak, and working on my Spanish.  What with walks and bike rides and on board duties I will manage to keep busy.
Tonight it's dinner our with Orontes and Rose of Erin crews so I'll enjoy that and take care of tomorrow, tomorrow.

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