Sunday, February 6, 2011

Super Bowl Sunday in Mexico

The big question being asked around the marinas in La Paz this week: is it true we can't purchase alcohol this weekend?  The answer is a resounding yes, it's true.  February 5th is an official holiday in Mexico,  Dia de la Constitution,* although this year it is actually celebrated on the 7th, thus giving most Mexicans a long weekend. No alcohol may be sold in La Paz from 10:00 Saturday until Monday evening.  Or so rumor has it. What, no beer to go with the Super Bowl? That's un-American! Oops, we aren't in Kansas anymore. Many local restaurants have big screen T.V.'s and show American sports programs regularly and I have a sneaking suspicion they'll get around this issue somehow.

I think I'll follow the game on my computer and enjoy a Modelo with chips and salsa, and maybe I'll even whip up a batch of my sister's cheese and olive balls.  Mmmmm. crisp and yummy right out of the oven.  See you later!

*The holiday honors the the "new" constitution of 1917, written by Venustiano Carranza and his followers. It remains today as the general body of law ruling Mexico, although more than 400 amendments have been added.

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