Wednesday, February 9, 2011


That's what my former, very ladylike, very devout mother-in-law would say when faced with, shall we say, a disappointment.
Stray Dogs, a few years ago...
My disappointment of the day?  The adoption of our stray dog didn't go through. I saw this quote immediately after I heard news, and I thought it apropos:
Do not lose yourself in the labyrinth of your own self-pity, in the maze of your own guilt. Rather, call yourself forth, in the next grandest version of the greatest vision you ever held about Who You Are.       Neale Donald Walsch
Every "dog" has his day; someone will be a happy Stray Dogs owner soon, I know. For now the vision I see for myself  is being a one boat owner!  Not very grand but very satisfying.
Come home soon, Captain!  As for me, I have places to go and projects to complete, a cello to practice and a kayak to paddle, oh, and windows to wash.

1 comment:

  1. Edie, I want to introduce myself, I am Wayne Parris, and I have had the pleasure of getting to know your "Captain" Larry over the last few weeks. I have being representing Stray Dogs for y'all. I too was sorry to see it fall though, but there is a good deal of interest in her and I will get her a new home soon.
    On another note...Larry told me about this site, and I have being reading your postings daily. I have say, I'm HOOKED. Your writing is wonderful to read and take in. I admit, I have borrowed some of your quotes you posted and have put on my on facebook wall. I loved the one "Lifes Plans are best wrote at low tide in the sand" got allot comments on that. I have grown to really enjoy my conversations with Larry and will be sad to see him head back to Mexico..I know you are very happy to see him coming back, so I don't feel too I see your love for him and I know his for you. I admire the two of you and wish you both the best.

    I will continue to work hard on finding Stray Dogs a good home and know it will happen soon.
    Thank you again for your post and one day hope to meet you and Larry together.
    Until then, fair winds to the both of you.

    Wayne Parris
