Wednesday, May 16, 2012


Buddi in her favorite place...
Thanks to East coast storms Larry's flight arrived a bit late and it was nearly 12:30 when we arrived at my apartment in Cary, both of us tired from early rising and a long day. Buddi, however, had taken a three-hour nap and was bright eyed and bushy tailed. At first she was hesitant, even wary, on seeing a "strange" man putting his hand in her cage, but after just a few seconds she began snuffling and chirping and ran up to his chin to be hugged and kissed on...then refused to leave him to get back in her happy hut. It continues to amaze me - although it shouldn't - that this tiny little creature has so much love for her human flock.
We finally settled down to go to sleep, all three of us  happy to be together once again...

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