Friday, May 25, 2012


Every day brings us closer to lift off (can't resist the analogy, spent too many years in the vicinity of Cape Canaveral!) The lists are on the bar in the kitchen and we try to end each day with more items checked off than added.
Besides shopping for the items I find difficult to locate in La Paz (my favorite contact lens solution), and services impossible to find most places (an electric strings shop capable of setting up my new cello) we continue last minute packing with plans to move most items from my apartment to storage on Sunday. In between appointments and shopping trips and online ordering (boat parts!) we try to spend time with family and friends whom we may not see again for some time.
We've set a tentative departure date of June 2nd; at this stage in my life I've become pretty flexible and nearly all future marks on the calendar are tentative. In the meantime we march onward, slogging through the lists with remarkably good fortune and good humor.

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