Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Good news and not so good news

Yesterday Larry had an appointment with a Duke ophthalmologist. Vision in his right eye, previously surgically corrected, was diminishing and this was worrisome to both of us. We got up fairly early and drove through the triangle area's often appalling rush hour(s) traffic to Durham. I waited anxiously for what seemed an eternity for him to come out, thinking he would have a diagnosis in hand and we would either be required to stay in North Carolina to await more surgery or be sent back to Florida to see his original surgeon. Some two hours later he walked out wearing sunglasses and reported that his new doctor had performed laser surgery on the offending eye, removing scar tissue and thus clearing the blurring. Of course it was too early to tell anything at that point as both eyes were dilated to the point that he needed either my arm or a guide dog to make it to the car. Needless to say, I drove home.  He slept for a couple of hours on our return and awakened saying his vision was already improving. Pupils did not return to normal until early evening when he announced that the improvement was substantial. Believe me, folks, that was good news!
The "not so good news" was that his left eye would require surgery "at some time in the future."  But we were still delighted with the results of the visit and the surgery. Larry being Larry spent his down time in the office regaling the doctor with stories of Mexico and inviting his young surgeon to visit us in La Paz when she makes her yearly trip to Cabo next year. 

1 comment:

  1. We're glad to hear the eye surgery went well. Everything is fine here and Chava said the floor project is coming along fine.

    Enjoy your time with the family then, come back home to La Paz where the rest of your family -- the cruising family -- are waiting for you!

    Susan and Dennis
