Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Gilda Radner said, "It's always something."

Well, I thought I had planned well, making an avian vet appointment for May 25th. That way we could head to the Raleigh USDA office with Buddi's health certificate in hand, get approval there, then pack the Tribute and head across country once again. Rules require us to enter Mexico within 30 days of approval so that would give us plenty of time, with room to spare in case of any road trip problems.
So Dr. Eckerman pronounced Buddi healthy, drew blood....then informed us results from the blood work would take 4-6 weeks AND we would have to give Buddi a prophylactic daily dose of antibiotic for Chlamydia - yes, Chlamydia!  It seems this "bird form" of the illness is not easily diagnosed though blood tests so the USDA requires 45 days of a foul -yes, I said foul- tasting antibiotic.
Deep breath, change of plans.
After considerable whining from both Larry and me our vet called the lab and (hopefully) reduced the wait time on three blood tests to two weeks. Meanwhile, Buddi is royally ticked off at us for the daily insult of being force fed a yucky, bitter tasting fluid.
I wonder, does there ever come a time, is there any place on earth, where one is NOT subject to seemingly arbitrary governmental rules, regulations and laws?

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