Monday, February 14, 2011

Even the bird's excited

Today the captain is madly completing business in the States and packing for a return trip to Mexico.  I expect him to arrive at the marina somewhere around midnight tomorrow night, and I know one person and one bird will be extremely happy to see him.  I expect Buddi will yell at him for several minutes, her usual reaction to being "left behind;" then she will run down in his shirt and we won't be able to pry her out.
Buddi, our bird in a gilded cage
Oh yeah, I missed him too, and am looking forward to a big hug, but first things first, people; we all know Buddi gets first dibs on smooches.  And that's O.K.; I expect there will be enough to go around.
Here's a special thanks to those good friends who took care of the captain while he was in Florida.  You know who you are and both Larry and I are grateful for everything you did to make his stay comfortable.  And would the one of you please email that French toast casserole recipe to me?  It has been "requested" that I learn how to make it, "just like J does." =)

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