Saturday, February 12, 2011

Random thoughts after a bike ride along the malecon

Almost to the southern end of the malecon
The malecon is the beautiful walkway which runs adjacent to the bay of La Paz.  Biking is permitted so it is a safe place to ride and still enjoy the view.  Today the water on the bay was sooo beautiful; I counted six different "layers" of color running from pale aqua to deep green. The colors change according to the weather and time of the day and  the bay never looks the same two days in a row.

Northern end of malecon and Bahia de la Paz
I've been told it is about 4.5 miles round trip from Marina Palmira to Club Cruceros.  I don't pay a lot of attention to time since I sacrificed my watch to the sea when the clasp came loose and it fell into 12 feet of marina sludge. Still, I would guess it took me about twenty minutes of steady pedaling to get to the Club this morning.  That was with a tailwind coming out of the north. Easy ride!  Going back was a different story.  I was heading directly into that north wind, a steady 15 knots with bigger gusts.  Too bad I couldn't tack!  Anyway, it's all good exercise.

Picked up a package this morning, medications mailed from North Carolina on January 8th!  Surprisingly it had not been opened at customs. I wondered if "aduana" would open it and then confiscate the contents as "drugs."  While it does seem that the package took an extraordinarily long time to get here, I am grateful that it arrived intact.  After my most recent minor cardiac incident in the States I am extra cautious about taking meds.  I did some local research and found that the two most important drugs I take daily are available, without prescription, here in La Paz. I confess, however, that I would feel better getting them from my own stateside pharmacy. 

This afternoon I will be on the dock washing some canvas pieces: covers for hatches, winches and the like.  It has been chilly and windy here for more than two weeks and I preferred to complete below deck projects to being wet for a couple of hours as I wash, rinse, "soften" then rinse again. I am happiest when the atmosphere is dry and 80 degrees!  But I can't put it off any longer as the captain returns in a few days and that was on my list of things to do (that's my list, not his). 

Talked with the captain this morning.  He was moving Stray Dogs to another dock and wanted to share with me that he was "freezing" out on the water in Stuart today.  I hope by the time I finish this he is docked, dry and warm.
See you soon, captain.

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