Wednesday, February 16, 2011

He's baaaaack...

Captain Larry arrived late last night, tired but happy to be back "home."  Milagro really does feel like home to both of us now, and I suppose it really should as it is the only home we have.  We talked for a couple of hours trying to get caught up with news from each other as well as from friends and family in the States.  And of course we had to look over all of the really cool purchases such as the fine tool, the new advanced radar reflector, stainless clips for doors, and for me a kindle cover, an adorable little computer and a small digital camera with which I can take video. Video coming soon to a blog near you!
We slept late, had breakfast on the (recently scrubbed) deck, went out for a couple of hours to a meeting and to pick up a new hot water heater. (Yes, I have been walking a half a mile to public showers and heating water on the gas stove for dishes.  Reminds me, fondly I must say, of camping days.)
Smooches for the Captain!
Rest of the day all three of us have just lazed about and enjoyed each others company.
It's good to have the man in charge back.

1 comment:

  1. Glad to see the Captain made it home and everyone is doing good. Can't wait for the video. Take care and chat soon.

